Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Little Things That Bother Me

Backwards toiler paper/paper towel rolls
People who step out of character in shows to play with the audience
People who sit in the front row of a class
People who ask stupid questions (Yes, there are such things)
Dumb people
Girls who think I hit on them
People who let you know they're smarter than you
Teachers who don't write comments on a paper you turned in
Assholes who insist on standing right outside your door in the middle of the night, yelling as loud as they can.
People who refuse to accept evolution
Hanukkah Harry
People who everyone they meet instantly like
People who think they can sing
People who think they can't sing but do it anyway
People who think they're okay at singing, but really they're either really good or really terrible
Pre-Med people
People who make lists of "Things That Bother Me"

Added 12/17: The little bit of ketchup that sticks to the packets no matter what

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm Still Alive

For once, I didn't forget about my blog. I actually got sick. Mono. Ugh. After sitting in bed for 2 weeks, I finally gave up and started getting better. I'm still not totally okay, but I'm back at school. As for new links to sites...I don't really have any. I kinda used all my good ones up last time. Oh, but wait! Here's something semi-cool:


This is an Amazon site that pays you for helping them out. Basically you sift through pics and pick the one that looks like the building they're trying to find, or you tell them who the artist is of a CD that they give you. You get maybe 2 or 3 cents per pic, but if you do a few a day, you might make a lot of money! I'm up to $1.20 or so, so maybe soon I can buy a pencil! YAY!

Sorry I don't have anything more exciting for you this week. I promise to do better next time. In the meantime, I highly recommend you watch LOST. The show keeps getting better and better, I swear.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Not Again

Damn it, I totally forgot AGAIN that I have a blog. From now on, I'm going to post random links to things that I find fun. For starters, here's one of the most addictive sites I've been to in a long time. These people even convinced me to go out to a graveyard and snap pictures of graves for them. The whole storyline/game is almost over, but you can still hang out and play poker, or just check out the story from the start, if you want:

Last Call Poker

Next I have the greatest Harry Potter fansite ever. Plenty of updates, and now that the movie's in a week, clips of the movie are popping up like no other:


This is one of the funniest things ever. The company's name is RoosterTeeth, and they make online video series, using Halo, The Sims, and now F.E.A.R., plus apparently more are on the way. Each series is hilarious in its own way, but by far the best is Red Vs. Blue. Check it out here:

Red Vs. Blue
Also note that if you've seen me wearing my Wade shirt, it comes from The Strangerhood, their Sims parody.

Lastly for now, is The Kingdom of Loathing. At first glance, this site looks like a piece of crap. Stick figure drawings, heavy sarcasm, what could be worse? But the truth is that this is one of the best games you can possibly play online. There's tons of stuff to do, and the content within the game is some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen. Tons of pop-culture references in the game (You know the myth that your stomach will explode if you drink coke and eat pop rocks? Try eating Rock Pops in the game and drinking a Cloaca-Cola or Dyspepsi) It's a crazy addictive game, and there's tons of cool people to chat with within the game. Join and message me (Clackling) and I can help you get started. Plus it will make me happy.

Kingdom of Loathing

That's all for now. If I still remember I have a blog next week, I'll be sure to post more links!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Welcome Back

I totally forgot that I even had a blog. Sometimes I wonder what the point is of having a blog, because it seems to me like you're just posting a journal on the web to get some attention. But I've realized that NO ONE will ever read this, unless I tell them to. No one will see this, so I can post whatever I want, and it basically is a private journal. Unless I should suddenly become world-famous, no one will feel the need to search for this, and thus my worries are over. YAY!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Welcome to The Answer

Welcome to my blog. For a while, I never understood the point of having a blog. It just didn't seem to make any sense to me why someone would want to write in a journal that could be read by absolutely anyone in the civilized world. Then, about five minutes ago, it hit me. These people love reading their own work. They type just for the hell of it. They don't care about other people reading their work, they just like hearing the clackling of keyboard keys as they type. (Yes, I just made up the word "clackling", however it's not a completely unfounded word: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com )

So here I am, enjoying the sounds of my keyboard as I type about absolutely nothing. But for starters, here's a discussion on the best known book in the whole universe:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. The book written about the Guide is even more wholly remarkable. This is a book that is funny. It is the best kind of humor a person will ever be able to find through one's lifetime. You can't skim even a sentence or two, for fear that you might miss a joke or two in the 7 or so words that you are skipping. It's that damn funny. The movie is coming out very soon, and has been in the works for almost 10 years, I believe, and I'm very excited about that, as you may know if you're one of my close friends. In fact, I love it all so much, I've named that blog in honor of the book, and I will reveal to you, now, the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. It is 42.

It seems, however, that the problem is that the question isn't known. Some say the Question and Answer can never be known together, and if they are the universe will suddenly cease to exist and be replaced with an infinitely more complex structure. Confused yet? Good.

OK, enough rambling for now. I must be off to rehearsal for Seussical. Time never stops for the Cat in the Hat. Until next time, fellow...um....people.

~Your Guide through the Universe